Rating System

Teacher Advisories
5 Extreme/Explicit
How this looks to
R to NC-17
While this book has teen characters and may take place at school, be cautious! There is a large amount of controversial content and it's also quite detailed. If you're a parent looking at this book for your child, screen it beforehand! If you're a teacher, don't intentionally steer students toward this book!
R to NC-17
Just because a book has young adults as the main characters that doesn't make it a YA book, um, this book is probably not suitable for junior high students and might get you in trouble at school! And, I may know this from experience!

4 Frequent
How this looks to
PG-13 to R
There may be a few or even a lot of uncomfortable or controversial situations, but they're not described in great detail. A less mature or more conservative teen may find this offensive, but given to the right student, it could actually be incentive to read. Definitely not a book for every kid!
PG-13 to R
Although it may contain situations, I wouldn't mind my kiddo reading this book and might even recommend it to certain teenagers, not a whole class, and definitely to my adult friends to read. These books are books I will talk about in class, but will not make kids read.

3 Moderate
How this looks to
This book is no worse than watching most teen television shows. It may mention some touchy issues and have a curse word here and there, but nothing I would be concerned about shielding from my students.
If a kid tells me that their parents won't let them read this book, I wouldn't make them, but it may be a book that's part of our curriculum.

2 Mild
How this looks to
PG to PG-13
Maybe an instance or two of some controversy, but it's not the focus of the book in any way.
PG to PG-13
PG-13 for Conservatives; PG for those that may not be so conservative.

1 Sparing
How this looks to
G to PG
*SQUEAK!* That's how clean this book is!
G to PG
Disney would make a movie of this book and it would star Annette Funicello...don't get the reference? That's what Google is for, go Google that! 

5 Stars
This book has now become part of my foundation and is an extension of the very essence of me...I laughed, I cried [or some other emotion] and am sad this reading is over...gush, gush, gush...

4 Stars  
I love this book, but would not give up my first born for it...you should read it though :)

3 Stars
Read it, don't read it...whatever...

2 Stars
Meh...I read it, the earth did not move, I don't recommend it to you...

1 Star
WOW! I won't even get the time I spent reading this book back...blar!

O Stars
I will never even finish reading this book...